Big Wave Bay

Big Wave Bay
Not just another beach!

Saturday, March 19, 2011


Hello All,
Finally got the pictures of me abzeiling off a cliff.  That was a rush.  Adding to the drama was the ocean crashing against the rocks nearby.

The disaster in Japan has had some effect here in Hong Kong.  The daily English newspaper has assured us that we are too far from the plates that destroyed New Zealand and Japan, the nuclear reactor nearby is safe too, plus the islands of The Philippines will protect us from any Tsunami, and the winds are blowing towards North America so no problem about radioactive fallout.  Still someone spread the news that salt has properties that will protect you from radiation so there was a mad rush here in Hong Kong to buy salt.  Vendors were selling it for 10 times the normal cost.  Huh?  I bought three bags of chips and I am counting on their salt content to save me.  Eating salt raw does not appeal to me at all.  Guess if I was really desperate I could just run over to the harbour and drink sea water, but it is kind of polluted, so I would probably die from that.  No, I think I will go back to the chip idea.

There was also an email going around that we were not to go outside, especially in the rain due to radiation.  After some panic it was deemed a prank.  Still on the serious side there are quite a few Japanese kids at my school and while their relatives are safe in Japan it still is tough knowing your country has suffered such a disaster.

This week I supervised a group of kids who formed a club at school called the Social Justice Club.  Twice a month they go to downtown Kowloon near the infamous Night Market, where you can buy knock off items at knock off prices, and help a mission bring food for the homeless.  I was surprised at how many homeless there are in Hong Kong and that they are all quite old.  The people who received the food were all very grateful and we had fun chatting with them.  Of course the kids had to translate for me, but I learned some Cantonese that night.  Jesus Love You sounds like So Oily and peace is Peng On.  Afterwards I took a taxi to my comfortable apartment and had a snack.  I have a lot to be thankful for.
So whether it is repelling over a cliff or helping feed the homeless my experiences through the school here in Hong Kong have been priceless so far and I am very grateful for them.    Thanks for your care and comments.  Have a great week.
Adios and Peng On!

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