Big Wave Bay

Big Wave Bay
Not just another beach!

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Namibia 4

Hello My Dear Great Ones,
Etosha's animals are amazing.  The scenery is also amazing.  Here is photo evidence:




Some scenes from Etosha.  Several water holes throughout the park, some natural, some manmade, are  the life lines of the park.

Red Hartebeest


 Herd of Elephants.


 Helmeted Guinea Fowl.  (Seen by a highway.)
 Warthog.  (seen by a highway.)

The following were seen at the Durstenbrook game  reserve, the oldest in Namibia:



 Sable antelope.

 Celia getting into her role as Safariaest.

Next time last pictures from Namibia!
Have a great week!

Love adios and ping on!


Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Namibia 3

Hello My Dear Great Ones,
Driving around Namibia's Etosha National Park to view the animals was not that easy.  The roads are washed out, gravel/dust/rocky, potholed, bone jarring monsters that take their toll on your vehicle's suspension, your own body, and your patience.  However when you do come upon some animals all is forgotten as your mind becomes flush with wonder and amazement.  Three animals in particular, we called them the old reliables, would make an appearance just when you started thinking that all your driving was for naught, that there are actually no animals in Etosha.  They were the giraffe, zebra, and springbok.  The springbok in particular became so reliable that by the second day we didn't even stop for them.  So in honor of them here are a few photos.

Next week.  Guess what?  Some more impressions of amazing Namibia.

Love adios and ping on!
