Big Wave Bay

Big Wave Bay
Not just another beach!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Amah Rock

Hello Great People,
The rainy season is upon us.  It has been raining every day for a week.  It can come down pretty hard, but it is really warm, like a luke warm shower.  Today was torrential.  In fact it was a red rain.  The weather bureau ranks the amount of rain that comes down by colors.  Red is pretty bad, you go out in that and you are drenched instantly, while black rain is pretty, pretty bad.  Actually really pretty bad in fact.  Black rain causes flash floods and it is best to stay inside.  Have not experienced black rain yet, but I have heard the legends.

It stopped raining for a while this afternoon so I took the girls, my daughter Elsie and her friend Noelle, on a hike up to Amah rock overlooking Shatin.  We then walked on over the mountain back home to Kowloon.  It takes about two hours and walking through a semi tropical jungle after a rain storm is pretty nice.  It smells nice, but is awfully humid.  The girls saw their first wild monkeys.  They were frolicking up in the trees, one jumped from branch to branch.  Looked like fun.

We clambered down through the jungle as it was getting dark and took some good night shots as bats flitted unnervingly around our heads.

When we get into Kowloon we saw a Sheltie puppy and of course Elsie and I swooned as we thought of Lady.  Elsie gave the pup plenty of pets.

Elsie and Noelle are certainly enjoying Hong Kong.  They love the food, the swing dancing, and are awed by the sights and sounds.  They both managed to get an English tutoring job on Saturday and have a few more interviews next week.  So it looks like their little holiday is coming to a close, but that is ok.  I am sure they will still find plenty of play time.

It is great to have company again and things are going good.

Love, Adios and Peng On


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