Big Wave Bay

Big Wave Bay
Not just another beach!

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Colors At A Market

Hello Most Great Ones,
Hong Kong covered markets, located in three or four story warehouse like buildings all over the city, are noisy with the barking of shop keepers pitching their wares with  loud whiny voices, as if to say if you don't buy from me you are an idiot; are crowded, packed with people due to the cheaper prices than the conventional grocery stores; are horrifying, live chickens are yanked out of cages, necks slit over a bucket they are then thrown into it where they bleed to death,  once dead they are pulled out and plucked, gutted and prepared for pick up right before your eyes; are gross, pigs hoofs, heads of goats, and other intestinal organs from pigs or cows are hung up on hooks, and you can see  seafood dead and alive in a crazy collection of colors, sizes, spieces, and textures.
There is also a fantastic selection of fruit and vegetables.  Some of the fruits and vegetables are ones I never knew even existed till I got here.  They, like the seafood ,are arranged in colorful patterns that are actually pleasing to the eye.  Enjoy and God bless you.  Have a great week! 

Love adios and peng on!


Sea shells

 A few people


 A few roots.

 Bok choy.
 Bok choy
 Apples and oranges
 Durian.  Very big, very stinky
 Eggs of every hue and size
 Assorted fish
 Good price

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