My Dear Great Ones,
My mother Helga turned 80 on April 25. Her life has been an incredible ride. Born during the Nazi era in Germany she lived through the trauma of WWII and witnessed the incredible rebirth of Germany after it was basically physically and psychologically destroyed.
Later she met and married Alfred, a poor, but brave refugee from East Germany. With job prospects slim in Germany and a baby on the way Alfred and Helga summoned up a ton of courage and immigrated to Canada. First stop was Edmonton followed by Dawson Creek, BC. While Alfred worked his way up with Mobil Helga mothered three children, learned English and got a Canadian teaching degree. This was added to her German teaching degree.
As the years moved on Alfred and Helga moved around with their three youngsters from Dawson Creek BC to Calgary, then Denver, USA, Vienna, Austria, back to Calgary, then to Toronto, and then back to Calgary, off to Celle, Germany, and finally back to Calgary again where Helga and Alfred retired. Whew.
Throughout all that time Helga ran a tight ship at home, keeping it always clean, meals always there on time, clothes clean and ironed. Her interest in the outdoors, travel, skiing, grandchildren, and visiting others is a great legacy that I have adopted with great pleasure.
So happy 80th birthday Mutt and thanks for the positive contributions you have made in my life.
Love adios and ping on!