Big Wave Bay

Big Wave Bay
Not just another beach!

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Dirk With Some Cool Vehicles

Hello My Dear Great Ones,
While I don't profess a great knowledge and interest in vehicles, there were, much to my surprise, some transports this past summer that intrigued me.  Below are a sampling of a few:

This Oldsmobile from the early 70's is a fine example of what American cars once were, when the price of gasoline and steel was cheap, when American cars set the World standard for excellence.  Oh how the mighty have fallen.  These days it is all hail to German and Japanese cars, even the British have a few dandies. Hong Kong for example has seemingly more German, Japanese, and British luxury cars per capita than the countries they come from.  And the American cars?  An odd mid range Ford has been spotted here.  I think.  Yet this black beauty harkens back to an American era when their automobiles were kings of the road, when their size and opulence stated emphatically: "America is the greatest!   This vehicle makes me feel cool, kind of like batman cool.  American cars from the early 70's....sigh.... those were the days my friend.

Yeehaw! This old restored beauty, late 40's, brings us back to a time when good ole country boys hauled crates of homegrown vegetables and giant canisters of freshly squeezed milk to market in their brightly colored trucks. The truck would be bouncing along the country road at a leisurely 30 kms an hour, kicking up dust.  The good ole boy would be dressed in dirty overalls, chewing a stalk of hay, his three day stubble was not a fashion statement, but just a result of shaving neglect.  His boots would be caked with mud and the extrament of various farm animals penned up at the farm.  A large rifle would be hanging in the gun rack right along the back window.  Country singers would be wailing out of the radio and the good ole boy would be humming along as he steered with one hand and the other would be twirling the hay in his mouth.   This vehicle makes me feel bliss.  Sweet, comfortable bliss.

More than 700 000 of these tricycles vie for space and customers on Manila's streets.  They are like taxis, but more for short distances on side roads, and can be rented for a few pesos, a couple of cents really. Most of the time these tricycles are parked in long lineups waiting their turn to transport someone.  The drivers sit/play video games/sleep during these times.  How much these "taxi" drivers earn during a day is probably very minimal.  Yet, the tricycle adds to Manila's cultural charm. I wish that they were the main form of transportation in the city because the lack of a decent road system and too many cars makes traffic in Manila a 24/7 debacle, fiasco, disaster, constant gridlock/traffic get the picture.  Riding in these babies is an adventure.  You sit so low in them that  you are actually looking up at the pedestrians who constantly scurry across the road, risking their lives, in the midst of the traffic jam that is Manila.  How does this vehicle make me feel?  Cramped and painful.  They are not built with the tall Northern Germans  in mind.  Scared.  Careening around pedestrians and much larger and sturdier vehicles is nerve wracking.  Amused.  They are rather funny looking things and having me ride one is even more funny.  Whimsical.  So many good people are eking out a living driving these things.  Wish they had more opportunities to develop their talents.

This vehicle has great space for luggage in the back, but this ain't a family car no sirree.  Its for a young single guy wanting to flaunt a little spunk, humour, and impress the girls.  I can well imagine the young guy who drives this thing has long, stringy blond hair, wears big 80's style sunglasses, a big flowery hawaii shirt,  big loose shorts with a print of a palm tree on the rear and for footwear:  flip flops. What do I think when I see this vehicle: Beach boys, California, surfing, palm trees, plenty of beach.

Fiat gets it right with a practical small car with plenty of head room for those from Northern European stock.  The sound system is immense, like being at a disco, and with a retractable sun roof you can feel the air whistle over your scalp as you rock down the highway.  Space for skis, women's luggage, and men's sport equipment is surprisingly available in this understated beauty.  I know cause I filled this car with the stuff mentioned above plus two other adults.  No problem.  AnDDDDDD the final bit of good news is that its great on gas.  How does this car make me feel?  Practical, comfortable, with a touch of cool.  Did I mention the sound system is immense?

Finally check out my limo.  I actually think this vehicle is impractical, pretensious, and outright ridiculous for day to day living.  Yet, I admit if this thing is bullet and bomb proof, which it might very well be, it would be a valuable transport for some MVP like PM Harper or PE teacher Dirk Budwill.  Ha ha.   If I ever had the inclination to rent this ship for one day I would rent it for someone who did not have many days left on Earth, and have him/her transported in grand style to all the things that they wanted to do.  Like dinner at Humpty's restaurant.  Hmmm.  A great vehicle to make someone feel appreciated and valued.    

Have a great week everyone!

Love adios and ping on!


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