Big Wave Bay

Big Wave Bay
Not just another beach!

Saturday, June 8, 2019

Tiananmen Vigil/Rally

Hello My Dear Great Ones,
Hong Kong is a "semi autonomous," region of China.  In fact its official name is Hong Kong (SAR) Special Administrative Region.  This is because it was once a colony of Britain and as part of the conditions for the infamous "turnover," in 1997 to China, Britain struck a deal that their former colony would enjoy some of the "freedoms," it had while under British rule for the next 50 years.  So in other words China gets complete control of Hong Kong in 2047.  Till then Hong Kong has its own currency, passport, Olympic Team, soccer team, government,  free press, access to the internet, and many other examples that upon first glance gives the impression it is its own country.  Yet, it does not have total independence from China.  Confusing?  Welcome to the club.

It is like having an adult child living at your house.  He has his own room and rights to do what he wants in that room, but in the end the room is still part of the house and the owner of the house, you, has the ultimate authority.  This of course causes some tensions.  Many Hong Kongers have grown to love their freedoms and find the oppressive, controlling, tactics of the mainland Chinese government abhorrent.  Others are indifferent.  Many are pro establishment and agree with China's, (in my mind)  draconian policies.  This of course makes Hong Kong politics spicy.

The persecution of Christians in main land China is for me the most egregious example of terrible Chinese government policies.  Being persecuted for a faith that promotes love, peace, and morality is ridiculous.  While the history of Christianity is not perfect, missionaries to China established schools and hospitals that benefitted the local population.  How can that be perceived as a threat?  The gospel of Jesus is all about sharing, caring, helping others, which is ironic considering many communist ideals are similar.  The threat is that the gospel of Jesus is also about freedom and equal rights.  Similar to the US civil rights movement in the 60's, which was based on the Bible,  I believe that the revolution in China when it comes, and it will come eventually, will be led by Chinese Christians.

I believe this because on a rather hot and humid Tuesday, June 4,  night over 180 thousand people gathered in Victoria park, on Hong Kong island for a candle light vigil and rally commemorating the 1989 Tiananmen massacre. (Check out link above for more info)

 Miraculously I bumped into a Chinese pastor friend of mine who I then "hung," with.  He translated the speeches that stirred the crowd to chant for justice and freedom.  The crowd's energy and anger, 30 years after the event,  towards a government that murdered its own was thick and real.  It was compounded with the disgust most Hong Kongers have towards a proposed extradition bill that would give China the right to extradite Hong Kong citizens to China if they have committed a "crime."   The fear is that China could/will trump up charges against Hong Kongers they consider a threat or annoyance to their "interests," and have them arrested and sent to mainland China for imprisonment or trial.  Outrageous!

The gathering on Tuesday night was a cross section of Hong Kong society and there were many Christians, some who even gave speeches.  The suppression of religious freedom is very real in China and many fear it is only a matter of time that Hong Kong will suffer the same.  Yet, the irony is that persecution historically stimulates the growth of Christianity rather than kills it off.  Apathy and indifference is what really hurts Christianity.   I was proud to sit with my pastor friend amongst the thousands who made it very clear to the government of China and the world that Tiananmen and those that died will not be forgotten.  Eventually the sacrifice of those brave ones will be vindicated.  God will prevail.  He always does and I believe that China will eventually become the greatest Christian country in history.  It is estimated 5% of the population in China is Christian.  With a population of 1.4 billion that is already a staggering statistic.

Pray for China.  Pray for Hong Kong.  Pray for God's grace and the brave Christians standing up in God's name against a self proclaimed atheist government who cannot last.

Hong Kong's government leader is called the Chief Executive.  Carrie Lam, the Chief Executive of Hong Kong, is a Beijing appointed puppet that is in power because of her compliance to Beijing.  She is getting a lot of flak for pushing the extradition bill.  Here is a picture of her at the vigil made out to be a  Chinese communist stooge.

Police were present during the vigil, but were pretty chill.

The walk to Victoria Park was interesting as a variety of pro democracy political parties outdid each other proclaiming their virtues.  It was loud and ear shattering.

Lots of noise and action.
There were a few enterprises trying to cash in.  Stools and teeshirts for sale to make the vigil/rally a memorable one.

Tank man was celebrated too.

Upon entering Victoria Park the mass of humanity and sounds were overwhelming.

The yellow umbrellas also showed up.

Crowds made themselves comfortable to hear the speeches and chants.

With my pastor friend.

Almost everyone held a candle, including this young one below.  Made for a dramatic scene.

The following are sights and sounds from that dramatic evening....

Have a great week everyone.  Pray for China.

Love adios and ping on!


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