Big Wave Bay

Big Wave Bay
Not just another beach!

Friday, June 19, 2020

National Security Law Update

Hello My Dear Great Ones,
With the impending National Security Law about to become a reality in Hong Kong I thought I would express my own opinion about it.  First of all Hong Kong has never truly been independent.  British Colony or Special Administrative Region it has never been truly free to determine its own course.  However,  the freedom to do business has made it one of the most prosperous city/regions on Earth.  It is quite frankly ruthlessly capitalistic.  Lack of heavy taxes,  plenty of cheap labor in Hong Kong and nearby China plus a middle class with plenty of cash to spend makes it a capitalistic paradise.  There are plenty of tycoons, billionaires and millionaires ruthlessly going about making another dollar.  Rich people from the mainland invest into Hong Kong, buying up apartments, thus making Hong Kong the priciest real estate market in the World.    In many ways Hong Kong has more capitalistic freedoms than Canada or Europe, maybe even America.  It also has enough, "democratic," freedoms like freedom of religion, speech, no travel restrictions, and internet access, to make it a portal for the western world to do business with China.  Hence the thousands of international companies that have offices in Hong Kong, and hence the thousands of western business franchises that have set up shop.  Shenzhen, just across the border of Hong Kong, was a small fishing village in the 70's.  When it became an economic free zone Hong Kong took advantage and invested in it.   The population of Shenzhen exploded.  It is now a city of 15 million largely funded by Hong Kong investment.   And the money flowing through there?  Wow.

So in light of all this it is hard, nay impossible for me to believe that China would destroy all this incredible economic activity in Hong Kong with a draconian National Security Law.  I think its main purpose is to prevent the violent protests that had been going  on for a year in Hong Kong.  Beijing finally just had enough.  And I think some business tycoons in Hong Kong just had enough as well.  Hong Kong's puppet gov't just does not have the clout to crack down on violent protesters  themselves. 

While the concern is that the law is too broad and could be used to curtail other freedoms in HK, (mentioned above,) which is unheard of in China, I find it, again,  hard to believe that China would kill the golden goose that is Hong Kong.  I also believe that several Chinese officials are being paid off by tycoons in Hong Kong to just let them be.  One country, 2 systems would not have lasted this long if this was not true.

While I think Hong Kong could easily be its own country and there are millions in the territory that would love that independence, the reality is:  it is Hong Kong, CHINA.  Not just: Hong Kong.  It is in my opinion a victim of its own success.  China has a LEGAL right to Hong Kong.  And of course it is not going to let go.  Hong Kong just makes too much money for China.  Yet, there will always be tension since many Hong Kongers have no interest in communism and no real understanding of it and vice versa for the Chinese.  They don't get western democracy and the rights that it treasures. There is a massive disconnect between the systems.  Always has been.  Always will be.  But there is always  money. Now that is something that is understandable for both parties.

So here is my prediction for Hong Kong.  In a year, after covid 19 has finally died down, hopefully, Hong Kong will also settle down politically and people will live in their familiar bubbles more concerned about that than the turmoil brought on by those who want the territory independent.  As long as there are no more violent protests and the tycoons are paying off key people in China, Hong Kong will be allowed to carry on with their "freedoms."  Yet the spectre of those freedoms ending very quickly will hang over the city like a gray cloud.

Below are links to what HK media is making of the the whole National Security Law:

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