Big Wave Bay

Big Wave Bay
Not just another beach!

Saturday, August 2, 2014

A Wistful Ode to Barbeques and Garden Parties.

Hello Dear Great Ones,
I love barbeques and garden parties.  In the regions of the World that have seasons, like Canada, they mainly take place in the summer making them special occasions for one can actually sit outside, in warmth and sunshine.   The harsh, horrible, frigid conditions of the long winter months are a distant and unpleasant memory only, sadly, to be rekindled soon.  In Alberta old man winter (why is it old man and not middle age woman, just asking) can arrive as early as September.  

Barbeques and garden parties in Canada are a fantastic way to reconnect with old family members, old friends, plus a great way to make new friends before the frigid winds from the arctic makes its annual journey south sending people scurrying further south or into dwellings where in a way they hibernate for several months.   I remember not seeing neighbors for like ten months in Canada due to this hibernation, and only in the late spring when the barbeques and garden parties started again, and they emerged out of their holes a little pale and lethargic, did I know they had survived another winter.  Maybe I am being a little melodramatic here, but I don't think I am too far off the truth when I say most Canadians can relate to this.

While mosquitoes often attack a barbeque or garden party in Canada with relentless aggression, the smell of Off and savoury smoking steaks at a barbeque or garden party is as Canadian as snow, ice, hockey, maple syrup, and a touque.  

On a more serious note I believe barbeques and garden parties are a fantastic way for people from different generations, different professions, different socio economic stratas, different ethnic groups, different belief systems, to come in peace and share snippets of their lives with one another.  It is a chance to encourage and provide a sense of identity, you belong! It is a way of saying, "We are grateful for your presence and the best of who you are." Plus there is nothing like some delicious food and drink to improve ones mood as well.  So all hail to barbeques and garden parties.

My parents Helga and Alfred have a very regal and great barbeque and garden party every summer.  It is a wonderful highlight of the year for me and is a fine example of all that I mentioned above.

Thanks, eh.


Circle of life.

Catching up with Peter who I had not seen since the picture was taken below, back in the late 60's.
Peter is third from left, I am of course the tallest one.  Always have always will be.

 Mom, sister, and brother in law.  He cheers for the Raiders.  Some day he will be rewarded for his faithfulness, but not this year. Or the next….

 With Eli my fine son.

 Eli showing off some moves for cousin Colin.

 My dad the master chef.  Why do men barbeque and the women don't?  Just asking.

 Good food.
 Elsie multi-tasking.  Playing soccer and frisbee at the same time.

 Kids having fun.

 Eli sharing a kernel of wisdom.


Have a great week everyone.

Love adios and ping on!


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