Big Wave Bay

Big Wave Bay
Not just another beach!

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Chimelong Safari Park

Chimelong Safari Park 
(The info below is a must read especially the English part)

My Dear Great Ones, 
I went to Guangzhou, a city of 15 million people and part of the Pearl River Megalopolis of about 40 million people, last Saturday to visit one of the most amazing animal parks in the World.  The park is  called:  "Chimelong Safari Park," and I throughly enjoyed it.  Interesting animals, interesting animal enclosures, the animals actually seemed well feed, entertained and happy.  Too often zoos are like animal prisons, but this one seemed geared to making the animal's lives a pleasant one.  It was like visiting a 5 star hotel for animals.  Large enclosures, with vegetation and structures that resembled the habitat of the animal made them actually move and meander in a natural way, unlike other places where the animals pace the perimeter of their pen, or look forlorn and half dead, curled in a corner.  Chimelong is also known for its breeding programs and many rare animals like white tigers, pandas, and kolas have been born and raised there.  As the brochure says above:"Chimelong safari park is characterized by animals' population free ranging and self driving-ornamentation."  Okkkkkkk?  I think it means the animals are allowed to live as naturally as possible.    

 Parrot breeding program.  Fledglings? growing up in an incubator.

 Spider monkey.
 In action.
 This one is carrying a baby.

 Chilling on a beautiful day.

 Alpha male with his gang.

 Black goose.

 The chinglish is great.  More on that next week.

 A rare white tiger.
 A bengal tiger.

 Very impressive.
 Baby white tiger.
 Baby tiger.
 Greater Kudu.  Looked like a cross between a mountain goat and a moose.

 Mighty Lion.

 A baby zebra.
 A herd of wildebeests and their offspring.

 A great billed I am not sure.

 A trained Orangutan entertained us on high.
 Later, the trainers called him down and he went into his own baby carriage to be carted away.  Very amusing.

 Giraffes getting fed by the customers.  Plants were provided to them for a nominal cost.
 The first koalas to arrive in Guangzhou were given a police escort from the airport to the zoo.
 Hanging out.
Several panda statues providing foto ops.

 A giant panda eating, you guessed it, bamboo shots.



Have a great week everyone!

Love adios and ping on!


PS  There was also a Jurrasic Park with life like mechanical dinosaurs scaring the lights out of us.  Here is a raptor getting annoyed.

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